12+ Years Experience
500k+ Subscribers
20,400+ Students Helped 

Fusion: Not Just for Pros – It’s for YOU!

Unlock the Secrets of Fusion and Master the Basics to Create Stunning, Professional Effects Faster Than Ever!

No Experience Needed – Start Today!

Yes! I'm Ready to Learn Fusion Now!

OVER $2,299.00 IN VALUE! Regular Price $199 - Today Just $97

Lifetime access to Introduction to Fusion Course + BONUS STUDENT DISCORD ACCESS & LIVE WORKSHOPS

Secure Checkout - 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

☑️ Your Ultimate Destination for Mastering the Foundations of Fusion – All in One Place!

☑️ Create Stunning Visuals in Minutes – Skip Hours of YouTube Tutorials!

☑️ Ideal for Complete Beginners – No Experience with Fusion? No Problem!

☑️ The Exact System Used by Professional Resolve Editors to Craft Stunning Motion GFX & VFX – Now at Your Fingertips!

"Thanks Casey, for teaching me how to use Fusion

which I am now using comfortably on a regular basis to level up the work and value i'm providing to clients."

~ Caleb, Fusion Student

Does This Sound Familiar?

 🛑 You're excited to start a new project, all to discover you're unable to create the ideas in your head?

Fusion is the most powerful page in DaVinci Resolve, and you can create just about anything with it. But let's face it... It can feel so overwhelming!

You're intimidated the moment you open the Fusion page and see a mess of nodes.

🛑 You're stuck digging through YouTube and wasting so much time...

Going through each tutorial just makes you feel more and more lost.

Your creative ideas fade before you can even start.

🛑 And like a lot of editors, you just close the Fusion page and pretend it doesn't exist.

Even though you know Fusion would enable you to create with limitless ability, it feels like it's going to take FOREVER to learn!


⚠️ But What About All Those Missed Opportunities?

⚠️ Never getting to create the project of your dreams?

⚠️ And ultimately never reaching your full potential as a high-level editor?

It's not your fault - you've just never had an opportunity quite like this!

Join 20,400+ Customers Globally Who Have Successfully Learned Fusion with our Courses!

Imagine if YOU could learn Fusion, making your own motion graphics and visual effects in JUST a couple of weeks!

EVERY VIDEO you make is BETTER because you're not settling for less-than-great visuals that you built in the edit page. Saving you time trying to round-trip your shots into other software AND saving you money because you can make awesome stuff YOURSELF, without hiring someone to do it for you.

This is why we made...

Introduction to Fusion!

The one-stop-shop course for learning Fusion foundations! This is the best course ever to get started making beautiful motion graphics and awesome visual effects as quickly as possible.

Everything You Need to Get Started in Fusion!

✅ Fully grasp the basics of the art of compositing

✅ Discover everything you need to know about working with Nodes 

✅ Create a foundation of knowledge and build upon your skills with a series of Fusion projects

✅ Learn motion graphics techniques for animating logos, intros, and more!

✅ Gain the tools you need to create amazing visual effects

Yes! I Want To Learn Fusion Now!

Lifetime access to our INTRODUCTION TO FUSION course.

OVER $2,299.00 IN VALUE!

Regular Price $199 - Today Just $97

Instant Access - 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!

"If there were a Fusion course at a major university, this would be the curriculum.

It covers not only the basics and years of accumulated know-how but also teaches creative thinking as a compositor."

~ w84m12, Professional Editor

Sooo... What's Inside?


Value $9.99

What The Heck Is Fusion? 

A breakdown of what Fusion is, what it's designed for, and how it compares to other apps available. 

Value $29.99

What is Compositing?

An introduction to the basic ideas of combining images and exercises to help you get into the 'Compsitor's Mindset.' 



Value $59.99

Fusion Foundations

A detailed look at the interface and tools of Fusion, exploring the concept of nodes, and how to actually DO things in the Fusion page.

Value $149.99

Essential Compositing Concepts

A deep exploration of common compositing tasks and how they're done with the tools in FusionJUST this lesson will SUPERCHARGE your Fusion knowledge and open up a world of visual possibilities.

Value $49.99

Animation Basics & Refinement

Learn to animate any element in Fusion, from the basics of making things move across the screen, to creating pleasing and realistic movement.

Value $349.99

Skill Building Fusion Projects

Put your Fusion skills to work by creating seven fun practice projects. From motion graphics to visual effects. Each project builds on the previous one and gets a little more challenging. This is where you're really going to cement your knowledge and learn compositing techniques that you'll use for life!

Value $179.99

Intro to Motion GFX Techniques

A guide to the essential aspects of creating 3D graphics, working with animated vector shapes, and animating particles for your motion graphics to up the visual impact of your videos!

Value $299.99

Intro to VFX Techniques

A collection of lessons introducing to the most common techniques for creating MOVIE MAGIC in Fusion. Learn to paint out problems, extract parts of videos with animated masks, work with green screen, and track elements in any shot!

Value $99.99

Practicing Compositing Tools

Creating a realistic motion tracked graphic that incorporates several different techniques for animating text, blending elements, and adding style.


Get an introduction to using powerful expressions in your comps to save time and work smarter in Fusion! 

Workshops - $69.99 value

BONUS #2 - Access to our EXCLUSIVE DISCORD SERVER with weekly LIVE student workshops!

  • Weekly technical sessions
  • Real-time problem solving
  • Advanced technique demos
  • Workflow optimization

Workshops - $1000/year value

"After just one week... EVERYTHING CHANGED.

Now any time I have interesting ideas... I know how to do them in Fusion." 

    ~ Ike, Fusion Student

Meet Your Instructor

Casey Faris has been teaching DaVinci Resolve for over 12 years. He’s worked in broadcast television, color graded short films and advertisements, and has been in the content creation trenches for about as long as Youtube has been a thing.

He got his start compositing in After Effects long long ago. Casey was inspired to share every bit of knowledge he learned in a way that’s inspiring and entertaining.

Since Fusion was introduced in Resolve, Casey’s been looking into the best ways to teach editors to create awesome visual effects and motion graphics inside of Resolve.

As a certified Resolve trainer, he's presented for Blackmagic Design at NAB, Vidcon, and ResolveCon.

Featured On


Ready to level up your visual effects game in Fusion?


  • What Is Fusion? - ($9.99 Value)
  • Compositing Foundations - ($29.99 Value)
  • Fusion Foundations - ($59.99 Value)
  • Essential Compositing Concepts - ($149.99 Value)
  • Practicing Compositing Tools - ($99.99 Value)
  • Animation Basics & Refinement - ($49.99 Value)
  • Skill Building Fusion Projects($349.99 Value)
  • Intro to VFX Techniques - ($299.99 Value)
  • Intro to Motion GFX Techniques - ($179.99 Value)
  • BONUS 1: Expressions Boot Camp ($69.99 Value)


Regular Price $199 - Today Just $97

Yes! I'm Ready to Learn Fusion Now!

Here is what some of our customers have said...

Mark, Fusion Student

"I no longer feel intimidated by the Fusion page and am looking forward to taking advantage of all its offerings. I am confident that I can create fun and useful composites. "

Tony G, Professional Editor

"This course took a fear in Resolve and turned it into a very enjoyable, creative outlet for me. Worth every penny!"

 Pauline, Fusion Student

"I'm a 73-year-old woman. If I can do it, anyone can!"


Learn Introduction to Fusion RISK FREE for 30 Days!

If for ANY REASON you don't think this is the best Introduction to Fusion course EVER, we'll give you your money back within 30 days of purchase! That means there's NO RISK! Just a golden opportunity to take your videos to the next level!

Ready to Get Started in Fusion?

Start now!

Unlock the power of the Fusion page and start creating your own graphic and visual effects to impress your audience!

 Finally feel confident working in the Fusion page at last!



Regular Price $199 - Today Just $97

Yes! I'm Ready to Learn Fusion Now!

Instant Access - 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!