About Ground Control

Why We're Here...

When you are free to be creative, it unlocks all kinds of good things in your life. From an outlet for energy, to business opportunities, to mental-health benefits...

We want to tear down anything that gets in the way of creativity. We love making movies, and we want to simplify the process for anyone who wants to learn.

Our Vision:

It's our vision to make learning post-production...


Video editing can be complicated. We want to make things simple and clear, so you understand WHY you're adjusting every slider.


From FREE Training to college-level courses at a fraction of the price of tuition. We want to make it so anyone can learn at their own pace.


By removing anything in the way between YOU and the ability to create, it's our hope that you discover the drive to make your passion projects.

Meet the Team

Daniel Bernard

Camera / Storyboards / Design

Dan helps craft much of our pre-production for our films, as well as the camera work and visual style of everything we make. His passion and care for people make him an essential part of our day-to-day business and relationships.

Sam Chambliss

Director / Producer / Chief Editor

Sam touches pretty much everything you see at Ground Control in some way. From editing training, to directing and producing our films, he brings a solid level of excellence to the team.

Casey Faris

DP / Colorist / Compositor

Casey is the host of our training courses as well as producer on many of the products we make. His love and talent for teaching is one of the major contributors to the educational side of Ground Control.

Andrea Stoe

Director of Operations & Customer Support

Andi is our customer service ROCKSTAR. Usually if you need something, she's the one to help you out! Andi's the staff mom. She handles most of the important business things, receipts, and basically everything would crumble without her.